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Ozone Therapy London


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Welcome to our Ozone Therapy service page. As part of our ongoing commitment to provide comprehensive and holistic healing solutions, we are delighted to introduce Ozone Therapy - a unique treatment modality that has been part of medical history for over a century and is recognised for its potential to improve overall health and wellbeing.

Ozone Therapy is used worldwide in a variety of clinical practices and medical settings, offering a natural and non-invasive approach to health enhancement. Here at Integrated Medicine, we are passionate about creating a healing environment that embraces both traditional and innovative treatments, and we believe that Ozone Therapy can be a vital component of a holistic health plan

What is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone Therapy refers to the use of ozone, a naturally occurring form of oxygen, as a therapeutic agent. This form of therapy is based on the principle that medical-grade ozone, when used in a controlled manner, can trigger beneficial responses in the body.

In nature, ozone is created when oxygen comes into contact with ultraviolet rays from the sun or when lightning strikes. In a medical setting, ozone is carefully generated from medical-grade oxygen through an ozone generator.

The use of ozone in medicine is founded on its unique properties. Ozone is a potent oxidant. When applied at therapeutic doses, it can stimulate the body’s own antioxidant defence mechanisms, improve oxygen delivery in the body, and support immune response.

The ozone can be administered via different routs, including, but not exclusively, the following: mixed with your blood (autohemotherapy), insufflated into the rectum or the vagina, or injected/infiltrated under the skin or into affected joints. Each method has its unique considerations, which we will discuss in the next section.

At Integrated Medicine, we adhere strictly to established protocols to ensure that the ozone is administered safely and effectively, making sure our patients receive the potential benefits of this unique therapy.

Types of Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy can be administered in several ways, each method offering unique benefits. The choice of method depends on the individual's health condition, treatment goals, and comfort.

  • Autohemotherapy: This is one of the most common forms of ozone therapy. In major autohemotherapy (MAH), a portion of the patient's blood is drawn, mixed with ozone, and then reinfused back into the body. This process stimulates the immune system and enhances the body's oxygen utilization. Minor autohemotherapy involves injecting a mixture of a small volume of the patient's blood and ozone, back into the muscle.
  • Rectal and Vaginal Insufflation: In this procedure, ozone gas is introduced in a precisely calculated dose into the rectum and/or the vagina via a small catheter, where it is absorbed by the mucous membrane, triggering systemic effects. This method is widely used due to its convenience, safety and efficacy. These administration routs are of great convenience specially for cancer patients whose veins have suffered the effects of the chemotherapy. In addition to the systemic benefits (in the whole body), these administration routs are preferred when patients suffers from conditions in or next to these areas (such as candidiasis, ulcerative colitis, lesions in the cervix or in the colon/rectum or prostate, for example).
  • Subcutaneous injections/infiltratoins: When a tiny amount of this gas is infiltrated into the tissues such as the skin or the joints, the ozone can trigger a cascade of metabolic reactions stimulating anti-inflammatory reactions. 


Ozone Therapy London

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Benefits of Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy offers a multitude of benefits, many of which are backed by scientific research. It's important to note that individual experiences may vary and it's always recommended to discuss treatment options with a healthcare professional.

  • Improved Oxygen Utilization: Ozone therapy is known to improve your body's intake and use of oxygen. This can enhance your energy levels, improve brain function, and help with a range of conditions where oxygen supply is compromised.
  • Immune System Modulation: Ozone therapy can stimulate the immune system, making it more capable of fighting infections and diseases. It can also modulate the immune response in cases of autoimmunity.
  • Anti-Microbial Effects: Ozone has potent anti-microbial properties. It can kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, and yeast, making ozone therapy beneficial for various infectious diseases.
  • Detoxification: Ozone therapy supports detoxification by activating the body's antioxidant systems. This may help in eliminating toxins and promoting overall health and wellness.
  • Pain and Inflammation Relief: Some research indicates that ozone therapy can help reduce pain and inflammation, making it a potential therapy for conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, and other chronic pain conditions.

Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider to determine if ozone therapy is right for you and to understand what benefits you might expect from the treatment.

On a more molecular level, the following effect have been described:

  1. Oxidation of free viral particles in plasma and lysis of infected cells 
  2. Induction and release of cytokines such as IFN-𝛾, formation of plasma lipid peroxides; increasing the level of intra- erythrocytic reduced glutathione (GSH); stimulating the production of cytokines (1,3-6) such as interferon (IFN) 𝛼, β and 𝛾, interleukins (IL) 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, tumor necrosis factor 𝛼 (TNF𝛼), granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and transforming growth factors (TGF) βs (7) and morphological evaluation by electron-microscopy of the blood cell components 
  3. Production of erythropoietin
  4. . Synthesis of neutralising antibodies
  5. . Activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes, natural killer cells and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity 
  6. Improvement of cellular oxygenation and metabolism 
  7. Upregulation of the enzymatic anti-oxidative system 
  8. Hormonalstimulation 

Who is Ozone Therapy For?

Ozone Therapy has a broad range of applications and can potentially benefit many people. It's particularly suitable for those who are looking for a holistic approach to enhance their overall health and wellbeing. People with the following conditions have often turned to Ozone Therapy:

  • Chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease
  • Immune system disorders
  • Infections, including viral and bacterial infections
  • Wound healing and skin disorders
  • Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia

However, Ozone Therapy may not be suitable for everyone. It's generally not recommended for people with certain conditions, such as:

  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Pregnancy
  • G6PD deficiency (a genetic disorder that can cause anemia)
  • Individuals with recent heart attacks

It's important to consult with a trained professional, like our practitioners here at Integrated Medicine, before starting any new treatment. Our experienced team will take a comprehensive history, consider your current health status, and discuss your health goals to determine if Ozone Therapy is the right choice for you.

Another very important aspect of this therapy is that the correct dose is of paramount importance, like with any other therapy. Although the benefits produced by the ozone when it is administered adequately may seem miraculous, it does not mean the more Ozone you have the better. If given too much, this gas can cause toxicity in the body. Therefore it is paramount be cautious or even critical when practitioners do not individualise the dose or even offer standard "packages of a number of passes".

 What to Expect During an Ozone Therapy Session

Embarking on a new therapy can sometimes be daunting. We want you to feel comfortable and informed about the process. Here's what a typical Ozone Therapy session at our clinic involves:

  1. Initial Consultation: Before starting Ozone Therapy, we conduct a comprehensive health assessment to understand your health status and goals. This includes discussing your medical history and any current health concerns.
  2. Personalized Treatment Plan: Based on your consultation, we create a personalised treatment plan tailored to your needs. This includes determining the most appropriate method of ozone administration for you.
  3. Ozone Therapy Session: During the therapy session, ozone gas is administered as per the method detailed in your treatment plan. This could be through autohemotherapy, rectal or vaginal insufflation, or ozone infiltrations, among others. Our trained practitioners ensure your comfort and safety throughout the procedure.
  4. Post-Treatment Care: After the therapy, we will provide you with post-treatment care instructions. We may also recommend nutritional support or lifestyle changes to enhance the benefits of the therapy.
  5. Follow-Up: We schedule regular follow-up sessions to monitor your progress and adjust your treatment plan as necessary.

Each Ozone Therapy session typically lasts between 20 to 60 minutes, although the initial consultation may take longer due to the comprehensive health assessment. The number of sessions required varies depending on your health status and goals, which will be discussed during your initial consultation.

At Integrated Medicine, we prioritise your safety and comfort, ensuring that each Ozone Therapy session is conducted in a professional, calm, and supportive environment. Your journey to wellness is our top priority.

Safety and Side Effects

Ozone therapy is generally considered safe when administered by a qualified professional. At Integrated Medicine Co., we place the utmost importance on patient safety and comfort. Our practitioners are highly trained and experienced in administering ozone therapy, following stringent protocols to ensure the therapy is delivered safely.

The potential side effects of ozone therapy can vary based on the method of administration. These may include mild discomfort at the site of injection for autohemotherapy or temporary feelings of fatigue or flu-like symptoms as the body responds to the therapy. 

However, these side effects are typically temporary and should resolve within a day or two after the session. Our team will always discuss potential side effects with you before the session and we encourage you to report any discomfort or concerns you may have before, during, or after your therapy.

Remember, it is important to disclose your full medical history to your practitioner before beginning ozone therapy, including any medications or supplements you are taking. This will help ensure that ozone therapy is a safe and effective choice for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, we address some of the common questions we receive about Ozone Therapy. If you have a question that is not answered here, please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly.

Is Ozone Therapy safe?

When administered by trained professionals, Ozone Therapy is generally safe. We follow stringent safety protocols to ensure the wellbeing of our patients. However, like any medical treatment, it may not be suitable for everyone. We always conduct a thorough health assessment before beginning any new treatment. MORE does NOT mean BETTER. The creation of an individualised treatment plan is crucial.

What conditions can Ozone Therapy help with?

A: Ozone Therapy has been used to support the treatment of various conditions including chronic diseases, infections, and immune system disorders. However, everyone's health situation is unique, and results can vary. We recommend a consultation to discuss your individual circumstances and needs.

How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions varies depending on the individual and their specific health situation. Some people may notice improvements after just a few sessions, while others may require a longer course of treatment. We will discuss a personalized treatment plan during your initial consultation.

Will the treatment be painful?

A: Most patients do not find Ozone Therapy to be painful. However, there may be some discomfort depending on the method of administration. We strive to make all treatments as comfortable as possible and are always here to address any concerns you may have.

Booking a Session

Ready to explore the potential benefits of Ozone Therapy? We are here to guide you through the process.

To book a session, you can call us directly at our clinic, email us, or fill out the contact form on our website. We will get back to you promptly to schedule a consultation and answer any questions you may have.

Please note that during the initial consultation, we will discuss your health history, current health status, and your health goals to ensure that Ozone Therapy is the right fit for you. It's important to us that each of our patients receives a personalised treatment plan tailored to their specific needs.

We also offer a range of payment options and are happy to discuss these with you when you book your appointment. While Ozone Therapy may not be covered by all insurance providers, we can provide you with a detailed receipt that you can submit to your insurance company for possible reimbursement.

We look forward to assisting you on your journey to improved health and wellbeing through holistic medical care.


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