Integrated and holistic healthcare clinic London

New brand of Mistletoe Extract

Alternative and Complementary Cancer care Services

This time, my newsletter is to introduce you to a "new" brand of mistletoe extract. Helixor® has over 40 years of experience and published a great deal of research, however, it was only recently that I found a pharmacy that could supply it in the UK.

You can find the Helixor booklet attached.

I have updated my website about this mistletoe therapy, so please, have a look

Not only can I support patients all over the world, but now, I can provide the mistletoe extract intravenously (off-label application) so feel free to contact me if you are interested.

I have two boxes of increasing doses of Helixor® A (Series I and Series II, 1mg - 30mg) to give away for free (worth £148.40) if you want to try it. (I will give it to the first patient who emails me requesting it). It has been donated, and I want to honour this donation. (Needles and syringes are not included, but I will provide a prescription for free if needed).

You can find my latest newsletter here.

Holistic Medicine London - Addressing the Causes

A holistic and integrated medicine approach to your healthcare.

Let me help you where traditional medicine has failed you.


Private Complementary and Alternative Healthcare clinic.
1st Floor
185 Tower Bridge Road
United Kingdom
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